2011 Cadillac Ciel Concept

Cadillac Concept Ciel - pronounced "CL", the French translation for sky. a four-seater convertible that opens a new chapter in Cadillac's design and promotion of the product, pushing the brand art and philosophy science to a new layer. Ciel is a new expression of the historical greatness of Cadillac, as well as an outdoor celebration of the engine.

The four-door Cadillac Concept Ciel covers the social aspects of a pleasure trip, with generous space for two couples. That evokes the spirit of the classics with a long, low proportion. The doors are French style, with the rear doors hinged at the rear - no B-pillar - to reveal a spectacular view of the interior. Distinguish fender lines run from the nose to tail, and nickel accents brilliant work of body lines, improving the visual length of the car and Cadillac cars to honor the past.

The car rides on large wheels, which have beautifully finished brushed nickel coated billet aluminum ground, coinciding with the appearance of materials and other items. Rotors Carbon ceramic brakes are visible behind the 22-inch wheels, a visual clue of the founding of the Ciel performance.

A wheelbase of 125 inches - about 12 inches longer than a CTS sedan - offering generous space. Luxury seats are divided in two by a console "floating" center that runs from the instrument panel in the rear of the interior. Which effectively creates a very personal space for each passenger and access to doorways hidden connectivity for each person in the vehicle - allowing them to make dinner reservations, check the weather at your destination, or even upload photos from the trip through the media, places of tourist interest.