2011 Caterham Seven Supersport

The Caterham Seven used in single-make championship "Caterham Supersport" is now also available in street legal version, approved for regular driving on public roads. The English sports uses the classic Ford engine with 142 hp and 163 Sigma Nm, which moves just 520 pounds and this gives much better performance than average: acceleration 0-100 km / h is accomplished in 4.9 seconds, while the top speed is just under 200 km / h (193 km / h).

The Seven Supersport suspension uses the same group of cars lined up in the race, anti-roll bars and new larger 13-inch alloy wheels with Avon CR500 tires on. Finally debuts new sports seats with four-point harnesses, an instrument panel and a brand new windshield richer. In Britain, the Caterham Seven Supersport is proposed to be 22,995 pounds or 19,995 in kit form.