2011 Subaru BRZ Concept – STI

The Subaru has announced the Los Angeles Motor Show, scheduled from 18 to 27 this month, the presence of BRZ Concept TSI. Another prototype, in short, the third in order of appearance, not counting those with Toyota and Scion brands. More details will come later than November 16, the first two days reserved for the press.

The sleek racer is 4.20 meters long and 1.27 meters high. A striking feature of the GT Concept is a lush STI rear spoiler, but it is unlikely to make it into the series. The abbreviation GT way, stands for boxer engine (flat engine), rear-wheel drive (RWD) and Zenith (the culmination of both technologies).

The engine, which sits near the center for optimum weight distribution on the chassis, has left untouched STI. Too bad, the sports experts would surely have had some ideas in store. But yes it should go here, especially around the lens. Nevertheless, the Japanese once again boast the "ultimate handling" of their babies. Performance data reveal, however, they are not. We probably need another few weeks have patience, because the presentation of the production version of the Japanese probably stand out for the home show in Tokyo in early December. In spring 2012, the go-ahead to begin production in cooperation with the Toyota GT are developed.